I am anFood Importer

Importing food into Canada can be tough. Don’t worry, we are here to guide you through so you don’t go around and around to find your answer.
We can help with your importing processes
Regulatory Inspection Support

CFIA Inspection Support

One of my clients said that he will be squeezed like a lemon, if we are not there supporting his CFIA inspection. 

While we don’t believe so, you as the client may feel so! 

It is not ideal. We want to make sure that you’ll never feel that. We’ll help you prepare ahead of your inspections by gathering the necessary documentation. 

And even be present during your CFIA inspection to support you so you are confident that you’ll pass the inspection.

Importer Preventive Control Plan(PCP) Development Services

Preventive Control Plan (PCP) Development Services

PCP is the blueprint of how you make sure that the food you bring into Canada is safe. PCP concept is hard to grasp for beginners. 

Why learn to grasp the PCP plan concept and let us guide you through what you need and complete them for you. 

Our PCP plan typically takes 5 business days, depending on the documentation availability

Complimentary Custom Broker Introduction

Introduce Custom Brokers

We introduce custom brokers at no additional charges for you. 

It is important to have the right custom brokers to manage your import


Label Review Service

There are specific ways that food products must be labelled and 

label review can get complicated. They are not the easiest things to do. 

We help importer perform food label review to prevent your food products from being withdraw from the market, due to labelling compliance. 

It can happen and don’t look at someone’s label that is not compliance and wonder if they have special privileges. No, they don’t. 

Let’s say it this way, your upfront label review will save you so much hassle if you get caught


Document review and implementation support

PCP plan alone isn’t sufficient to maintain compliance for SFC license. 

You will need to ensure that you are in compliance by regularly upkeeping your verification activities. 

We can help review these documents so you know you have the right documentation and records for your PCP plan implementation and for Safe Food for Canadian Regulations compliance.


PCP Plan Development Course

Looking to do your PCP plan yourself? We are coming up with a guided courses to understand your documentation. 

Coming soon.

Need help? Contact our expert now

SFPM Consulting Inc

Of Working With Us

Benefit Working with SFPM Consulting and Felicia Loo include complete customization to plan for your future business expansion, complimentary and free HACCP training and GMP training, knowledge transfer and quick turn around time and support our client achieve certification.

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