I am aSmall Start Up
Restaurant and Café

Food Safety and Sanitation Plan for Cafe and Restaurant

Food Safety and Sanitation Plan

Health Inspection is the barrier you need to go through when you are opening a restaurant or café. 

We turned what typically rejected by the Health Inspectors into a passing food safety and sanitation plan. 

Best of all, you get them done in as little as 3 days. And you can focus building and promoting your restaurant

Social Media Assistance

Social Media

Don’t WASTE your money on paid ads. Paid ads are great to bring a temporary crowd, but the money you spend only lasts you one time.

Build long-lasting SEO-based social media posts with our posting assistant services which will help you reduce the stress of what to post and eliminate the risk of a lack of posts due to your busy schedule.

We all know that we buy on social media. Social media temptation is real. And who will if you are not highlighting how good your food is?

Retail Food Safety Entry Planning

Growing to Retail

It isn’t a fake dream! Some restaurant and café tend to go big, and turn into retail. It is all about you handle the retail requirements.

If you have this dream, we need to talk.

Don’t miss our food safety guide to help you reach your goals.

SFPM Consulting

Of Working With Felicia Loo

Benefit Working with SFPM Consulting and Felicia Loo include complete customization to plan for your future business expansion, complimentary and free HACCP training and GMP training, knowledge transfer and quick turn around time and support our client achieve certification.

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Copyright © 2023-2024 by SFPM Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.