I am aCanadian Manufacturer

Being a manufacturer is tough, isn’t it?
Many folks who work with us are surprised about food safety and how food safety makes or break their food operations!
Working with us means that we’ll plan your food safety timeline ahead to meet your growth expectations.

Be ready to meet your food retailer and regulatory requirements before you lose the opportunities. 

Our goal at SFPM Consulting is to help you grow and expand your operations. Let’s Take a Look at Some of Our Solutions here. Remember, we customized our solutions so if you don’t see this here, doesn’t mean that we aren’t able to do it for you!


Gap Assessment for IAF BC Grants

Gap Assessment for IAF BC or Internal Audit

Felicia Loo is an approved Food Safety Assessor that can help you conduct a gap assessment to access IAF BC Grant. 

Take advantage of the gap assessment to understand your food safety compliance level and what you must do to comply.

Regulatory Inspection Support

CFIA Inspection Assistance

CFIA inspection doesn’t have to be scary. 

We can assist you to be confident and prepare you ahead of the inspections. 

We can even help you during the audit, if required.

GMP, HACCP, SQF Audit Support and Assistance

Audit Support and Assistance

Not sure how to manage the expectation of your upcoming GMP audit or HACCP audit? Or is it your first SQF audit?

We’ve got our client covered. Much so that most client felt confident that they are able to handle the audit without us.

Retail Food Safety Entry Planning

Retail Food Safety Entry Planning

The access point to the retail happened so quickly, do you agree? If you miss them, it feels like you are queuing up again for another retailer to pick you up. 

Don’t miss this window with our food safety program planning. We have client that have food safety programs just in case they want to go into retail. That’s what we called smart decision

Food Safety Plan Development (GMP, HACCP, SFCR PCP, US FSMA)

Food Safety Plan Development (GMP, HACCP, SFCR PCP, US FSMA)

Do you agree the role for food safety plan development is not for everyone? 

We totally know it. It takes hours, patience and expertise to build a proper food safety plan. 

Leave this to the expert and we’ll build your food safety plan within 1-2 weeks turnaround. 

We can build program for GMP, HACCP, SQF, BRC, Canada Gap and CFIA Preventive Control Plan and US FSMA Preventive Control Plan. And the list doesn’t just end here.

Food Safety Coaching_ Guidance

Food Safety Coaching/ Guidance

Gone are the days where the only person who know your programs are your consultants. It feels like they hold you on the chain to continue working with them, isn’t it?

We practice transparency and we want to make sure your team know what to do, without reliance to us. 

By doing this, we help you build team that know what to do and prevent food safety risks. 

Why would you do this to yourselves and lose the long-term income? We want you to see the results and share your growth with your friend. We love to support our community.

Food Safety Program and Procedures Development

Food Safety Program and Procedures Development

Choose to get one or full bundle program development. 

Expedite your procedure development and get ready for your audit. 

Food Safety Training

Food Safety Training

Choose from our wide variety of training: HACCP, GMP, QA training, Supervisor training etc

Link to training page

Food Nutrition Label Generation

Food Nutrition Label Generation

Food label can be complicated but it is crucial to get them right. 

Let our label expert review your labels for Canadian compliance

Social Media Assistance

Food Social Media Assistance

Don’t dump your money on paid ads. Paid ads are great to bring temporary crowd but the money you spend only last you one time. 

Build long lasting SEO-based social media posts with our posting assistant services, that will help you reduce the stress of what to post and eliminate the risk of lack of post due to your busy schedule. 

We all know that we buy on social media. Social media temptation is real. And if you are not highlighting how good your food is, who will?

Customized Software Development

Customized Software Development

Are you finding it challenging to repeated perform your operations in a manner that simply doesn’t fit you OR can’t find a software that fully fit your needs. 

And you are trying hard to retro-fit that into your operations! 

Not anymore, our expert can build you what you need. If not, we will not waste your time to try fitting this into your program.



Access our free downloads for your food safety and operations needs 

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SFPM Consulting Inc

Of Working With Us

Benefit Working with SFPM Consulting and Felicia Loo include complete customization to plan for your future business expansion, complimentary and free HACCP training and GMP training, knowledge transfer and quick turn around time and support our client achieve certification.
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Copyright © 2023-2024 by SFPM Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.