Getting Organic Certification for Canadian Manufacturer

Organic production has become increasingly popular as consumers seek out products that are produced in a way that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. With awareness about the harmful effects of chemicals our health and the environment, many consumers are opting for organic products as a healthier and more ethical choice.

What is Organic Certification?

In Canada, organic certification is regulated by the Canadian Organic Standards, which outline the requirements for organic production and labeling. The standards are enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and organic accreditation bodies. To be certified as organic, you must comply with these standards and undergo an inspection by a certification body.

How Can You Get Organic Certification?

The process of getting certified as an organic producer can be somewhat complex and time-consuming, but it is worth the effort to be able to label your products as certified organic. Here are the steps you need to take to get organic certification in Canada:

1. Understand the Canadian Organic Standards:

Before applying for organic certification, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Canadian Organic Standards. These standards cover every aspect of organic production, from soil fertility and crop rotation to pest and disease control. By understanding the requirements, you will be better prepared to comply with them during the certification process.

2. Develop an organic production plan:

In order to be certified as organic, you need to have a plan in place that outlines how you will comply with the Canadian Organic Standards. This plan should detail your farming practices, inputs, and record-keeping procedures. It should also include a timeline for implementing these practices and a list of the organic certifying bodies you plan to work with.

3. Choose an organic certifying body:

In Canada, there are several certifying bodies that are accredited to inspect and certify organic producers. Some of the most well-known certifying bodies include EcoCert, Pro-Cert, and Quality Assurance International (QAI). Each certifying body has its own requirements and fees, so it is important to research and choose the one that best suits your company’s needs.

4. Submit an application for certification:

Once you have developed your organic production plan and chosen a certifying body, you will need to submit an application for certification. This application will require you to provide detailed information about your farming practices, inputs, and record-keeping procedures. You may also be required to pay an application fee.

5. Undergo an inspection:

After you have submitted your application, a certification body will inspect your farm to ensure that you are complying with the Canadian Organic Standards. During the inspection, the inspector will review your farming practices, inputs, and record-keeping procedures. They may also take samples of your soil, water, or crops for testing.

6. Receive certification:

If the certification body determines that you are in compliance with the Canadian Organic Standards, you will receive organic certification. This certification allows you to label your products as certified organic and sell them as such. You will need to renew your certification annually to maintain your products’ organic status.

Getting organic certification can be a challenging process, but it is a valuable investment for you as an organic producer. Not only does certification provide assurance to consumers about the quality and integrity of your products, but it also opens up opportunities for marketing and sales. By following the steps outlined above and working with a reputable certifying body, you can achieve organic certification for your farm and start reaping the benefits of being a certified organic producer.

If you need assistance in getting your organic certification, we can guide you through the process. Book a call with Felicia today to get started.

1. Canadian Food Inspection Agency – Organic Products:
2. EcoCert Canada – Certification Process:
3. Pro-Cert Organic Systems – How to Get Certified:
4. Quality Assurance International – Organic Certification: